Jackson Township
Ashland County, Ohio
Jackson Township
Ashland County, Ohio
Ashland County, Ohio
Ashland County, Ohio
Board business meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Jackson Township Garage
799 Co Rd 175
West Salem, OH 44287
Notices are placed on our page called Special Meeting Notices for:
* Cancelled meetings
* Rescheduled meetings
* Special meetings
Click HERE to be directed to that page.
Meeting determined and scheduled by chair if they have business.
Notice will appear in the Ashland Times Gazette and on the communications board located in the front yard of the township house.
Mapleton: http://www.mapleton.k12.oh.us/
Black River: www.blackriver.k12.oh.us/
Cinnamon Lake:
Village of Polk: http://www.villageofpolk.com/
Fire Department and EMS: polkjacksonperryfd.com/
Ashland County : https://www.ashlandcounty.org/
Ball Field is host to a Youth Ball League.
Contact: David and Stephanie Sanders
at 567-203-8253
Sign-ups are late February to mid-March.
Season runs from late May to late July.
Cheryl Welch, Fiscal Officer
Other Duties: Develops and maintains township website, Grant Writer.
Address: 464 Twp Rd 700 Polk
Cell Phone: 419-651-8346
Email: cwelch@ncwcom.com
Jim Power, Trustee and Board Vice-Chairman
Other Duties: Oversees park
Address: 155 CR 500 West Salem
Cell Phone: 419-651-6358
Email: cps155@outlook.com
Kay E. Wright, Trustee
Other Duties: Oversees Cemetery
Address: 115 St. Rt. 42 West Salem
House Phone: 419-869-7153
Email: ratina7@frontier.com
Scott Markley, Trustee and Board Chairman
Other Duties: Fire Department Representative and Oversees Cemetery.
Address: 552 TR 101 West Salem
Cell Phone: 330-421-9255
Email: markleymeats@outlook.com
Send us a message with any questions or concerns, and we'll get back to you with answers.