Welch replaces the bucket swing at the township park with a donation from Walmart. Pictured left to right: Nicole Goble with 18 month old son Alec, 10 year old Jayden Flanagan and Township Fiscal Officer Cheryl Welch.
$4,336 was donated by the Ashland County Community Foundation on behalf of the Robert Simonson Family Charitable Fund to pay for 100% of the ball field drainage improvements with clay. Volunteers led by Matt Banks did all the work.
With a grant from the Ashland County Community Foundation Jackson Township purchased an automatic external defibrillator, or AED. Training on how to use it was provided by the Polk Volunteer Fire Department. Pictured from left to right Paramedic Cody Uhler, Trustee Jim Power, Trustee Scott Markley, Fiscal Officer & Grant Writer Cheryl Welch, Trustee Kay Wright and Zoning Board Member Dave Yates.
ZERO cost to the township.
October, 2019 Cheryl Welch wrote and received a $500 grant that will cover 97% of the cost for new road signage. In addition to the standard signs that convey how fast to drive, what direction to drive down a road or whether or not the roads being driven on have an upcoming hazard is new one asking drivers to STOP for road crew. Trustees trying to increase the safety of road workers.
Sept - 2019 Cheryl Welch gets Jackson Township a $1,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Commerce Division of Real Estate. Trustees have come up with an idea on how to handle the driveway water runoff problem at the Polk cemetery. Welch said “this grant will cover a good portion of the projected project cost.”
July - 2019 Polk Volunteer Fire Department has been awarded a $1,000 grant intended to assist with the purchase of Stryker Power-LOAD cot equipment. These cots support the entire loading and unloading process making it safer for both the EMT and the patient. The grant comes from The Walmart Foundation (LCC) Local Community Contribution program. Store Manager Fred Brown said “The purpose of this program is to support local organizations that are important to our community.” Grant writer: Jackson Township Fiscal Officer Cheryl Welch. To get involved with the Polk Volunteer Fire Department contact Chief Matt Spaniel at MSpaniel3401@gmail.com
Grant Award $245,000 was received from Ohio Development Services Agency - Abandoned Gas Station grant to clean up the old Maynard property at the corner of St Rt 89 and 42. Absolutely no cost to the township. [2018] Grant Writer: Cheryl Welch
Grant Award $500 was received from OTARMA to help with the take down of dead Ash trees in the township community park. [2017] Grant Writer: Cheryl Welch
Grant Award Ohio Department of Natural Resources awarded a grant in the amount of $22,837 to Jackson Township to make improvements to ball park parking lot and grounds. [2017] Grant writer: Cheryl Welch.
Grant Award Ashland Community Foundation awarded $413 to Polk Fire Department to replace traditional mic holders in each of the company vehicles with magnetic ones. Grant writer: Cheryl Welch
Grant Award Ohio Department of Natural Resources awarded a grant in the amount of $27,375 to Jackson Township to purchase and install a commercial playground set. Project completed in 2015. Grant writer: Cheryl Welch.
Grant Award CSX awarded a grant in the amount of $5,000 to the Polk Volunteer Fire Department towards the purchase of a utility truck. Grant writer: Cheryl Welch. [2015]
Donations requested and received by Cheryl Welch for 2014 include:
$50 Walmart & $50 Home Depot for painting supplies used on the Polk cemetery fence.
$50 Walmart for historical wall project of past and current elected township officials.
$50 Walmart for fire department equipment maintenance.
White stone (valued at $500) from Willowvale for cemetery driveway improvement project.
Grant Award Ashland County Community Foundation awarded a grant in the amount of $9,000 to the Polk-Jackson-Perry Township Fire District to purchase rescue equipment. Project completed in 2014. Direct questions to the grant writer: Cheryl Welch.
Grant Award $500 was received from OTARMA 2 years in a row for the purchase of a security system and STOP signs meeting the states retroreflectivity requirements. Grant Writer: Cheryl Welch
Grant Award Ohio Department of Natural Resources awarded a grant in the amount of $13,056 to the township to erect shade structures over the bleachers and erect a set of bleachers for the new T-Ball field. This project was completed in 2013. Direct questions to the grant writer: Cheryl Welch.
Grant Award CSX awarded a grant in the amount of $4,500 in June of 2013 to the Polk-Jackson-Perry Township Fire Department to be used towards the purchase of a rescue jack valued at $5,000. Direct questions to the grant writer: Cheryl Welch.
Grant Award Ashland County Community Foundation awarded a grant in the amount of $4,325 to the township to build a picnic shelter in the township park. With financial contributions and 100% of the labor donated by the township Amish community the shelter was completed in September 2012. Direct questions to the grant writer: Cheryl Welch.
Grant Award Ohio Department of Natural Resources awarded a grant in the amount of $6,880 to the township to replace the ball field bleachers. Project completed in May 2012. Direct questions to the grant writer: Cheryl Welch
Grant Award Ohio Department of Natural Resources awarded a grant in the amount of $9,776 to the township to replace the township park ball field fence. This project was completed in 2010. Direct questions to the grant writer: Cheryl Welch.